CEDC has been designated by Columbia County as the County’s broadband coordinator and has helped secure millions of dollars to expand broadband access through Federal, State, and private sources. As of July, 2021, CEDC is commissioning a study to further analyze gaps in broadband accessibility to prepare for anticipated future funding opportunities. Below are maps from past studies:
Interactive Broadband Map
The Planning Department has developed an interactive online Broadband Map showing the various service areas of Internet service providers operating in the country. The map also includes layers showing where NYS Broadband Progam Office grants have been awarded, school districts, and census blocks. The data included in this map is extracted from the FCC 477 data, dated June 2019. The ISPs may have extended their service areas since then.
Internet Service Provider Maps
Updated PDF versions of individual internet service provider areas were produced in October 2020 using the same June 2019 FCC 477 data found in the online broadband map. There are 15 maps in all, one for each ISP operating in Columbia County.
Broadband Committee and CEDC Maps
In 2018, the Columbia County Board of Supervisors Broadband Committee and the Columbia Economic Development Corporation commissioned a set of maps to track the progress of the NYS Broadband Program in Columbia County.