January 12, 2021 - 8:30 AM




Please take notice that there will be a meeting of the Columbia Economic Development Corporation Executive Committee held on January 12, 2020 at 8:30am, to consider all matters presented to the Committee for consideration.. Due to public health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, the meeting will not take place in-person.  In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 202.1, the meeting will be held via Zoom Meeting: and will be recorded.

Join Zoom Meeting:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85182136073?pwd=cDBNcndXN21yZVpjZGh2UjAwS2U2QT09

Meeting ID: 851 8213 6073

Passcode: 503742

Dial by your location: 1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

The public will have an opportunity to hear the meeting live and provide comments. Comments can also be provided via email before and during the meeting to mtucker@columbiaedc.com.

Please check the CEDC’s website at www.columbiaedc.com for meeting packet and updated information.


Meeting Packet 


Dated: January 6, 2020
Sarah Sterling, Secretary
Columbia Economic Development Corporation