CEDC COVID-19 Website Resources
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3.13.20 – CEDC Announces Office Changes Due to COVID-19
3.16.20 – CEDC Coronavirus Update 1
3.19.20 – CEDC Coronavirus Update 2
Columbia Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) is more committed than ever
to assisting businesses in Columbia County as we all navigate this challenging period
responding to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Please email us with the issues you are facing and we will do our best
to connect you with available information and resources as quickly as possible
We are working closely with all of our partners in the government, health, educational,
nonprofit, and business communities to ensure that we minimize the spread of the disease and adverse economic impacts.
Responding to this situation will be a collaborative effort among many partners and
stakeholders. CEDC appreciates any input from businesses and residents on how we can best
serve Columbia County in response to the COVID-19 virus.
CEDC is actively gathering relief opportunities for small businesses.
Below are several key resources issued by federal and state authorities, as well as relief measures offered by private organizations relevant to Columbia County. We will continue to monitor the situation as it rapidly develops to continue to deliver critical information to our community.
CEDC makes SBA Microloans to small, medium, and even large businesses. Funded by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), all lending decisions are made locally. Microloans are available to for-profit businesses in both Columbia and Greene Counties. All Microloans come with free technical assistance from CEDC staff and consultants. Contact Martha Lane at mlane@columbiaedc.com for more information.
Columbia County businesses are now eligible to apply for SBA Economic Disaster loans (EILA) up to $2 Million. Loans are currently available to most businesses, including nonprofits, located in eligible areas that have been impacted by COVID-19.
Applicants must register and submit applications directly through the SBA website. Loans will be allocated based on need. Interest rates range from 3.75% for commercial businesses to 2.5% for nonprofits. The SBA estimates approximately 21 days to receive a response to each loan application, subject to volume. Information on registering and applying for SBA Disaster loans below, as well as paper copies of the forms required.
CEDC is prepared to help businesses navigate this process and invites you to contact info@columbiaedc.com for guidance.
SBA Disaster Loan FAQ Sheet -Information on loan basics and requirements
SBA Disaster Loan Page – Link to Register and Apply Online
Application Paper Forms – Printer Versions of Required Forms
Governor Cuomo announced on Thursday that all employers must reduce the number of employees in their workplace by 100% outside of essential industries. List of essential businesses.
Governor Cuomo announced an agreement for new regulations in response to the coronavirus. Paid sick measures for employees and employers here.
CRCC is compiling resources and partnering with the Small Business Development Center to host a Zoom information session on the SBA Economic Disaster Loans. A session will be held on Saturday March 21, 2020 from 1pm to 2pm and a recording of the webinar will be made available. Register
Consider the Shared Work program as you manage business cycles and seasonal adjustments. Shared Work lets you keep trained staff and avoid layoffs. Employees can receive partial Unemployment Insurance benefits while working reduced hours. Full-time, part-time and seasonal employees are eligible.
Relevant businesses should contact Empire State Development’s Capital Region Office for more information at: (t): (518) 539-4083 and (e): nys-capitaldist@esd.ny.gov
The Trump administration is authorizing that individuals can defer up to $1 million in payments and corporations can defer up to $10 million with interest and penalties waived automatically for 90 days. Those seeking deferment must still file by April 15 as scheduled. More information will be forthcoming from the IRS. CNBC article
NYS Sales Tax is still due March 20, 2020 but no interest/penalty if businesses pay late
NYS Income Tax Update: Still need to file by April 15th deadline, but NYS is offering a 90 day State Income Tax payment extension
On Wednesday, the United States Senate passed the relief bill that includes paid sick leave provisions, enhanced unemployment payments, free COVID-19 testing, and additional food and health aid. The U.S. Senate is working on a larger stimulus package reported to be near $1 trillion and include direct payment to individuals and hundreds of billions in available loans to businesses.
The U.S. Chamber has compiled CDC’s coronavirus recommendations for businesses and workers across the country. We continue to encourage American businesses to follow data-based guidance from the CDC and state and local officials. It’s encouraged to share these assets on social media, websites, and other channels, and send them to your colleagues and employees.
As New York State continually monitors and responds to developments related to COVID-19, ESD is providing up-to-date guidance for the agency’s partners and other stakeholders impacted by the virus. This is a rapidly changing situation and ESD will be updating the resources below to reflect the latest information available.
NY State of Health is opening a special enrollment period due to the COVID 19 virus. They urge all New Yorkers who do not have coverage now, to please call a health insurance broker, the insurance carrier or the NY Marketplace for further assistance
To support Columbia County’s high concentration of artists and individuals working in the creative economy, we encourage you to review and continue to monitor the resources available to this community
Ways to Maintain Business Health During a Pandemic
Columbia County Department of Health
The Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Center for Disease Control Guidance for Businesses and Employers
Columbia Memorial (call before showing up if showing symptoms)
National Housing Conference COVID-19 Resources
NHC has compiled resources on how to prevent spreading the disease, help for vulnerable populations, and precautions and contingency planning for property managers. Includes resources for homeowners, homeless assistance providers, and public authorities working with vulnerable populations in need of housing solutions. We will continue to update this list as more resources become available.
Seamless and Grubhub are Deferring Commission Fees
Guidance for business actions during an epidemic from Deloitte
Comprehensive Legal FAQ for Employers from Fisher Phillips
Tips for successfully managing remote work teams from Gallup
Resources for Freelancers and Artists