Thank you to the following CEDC Members for their generous support and partnership:
CEDC Sustaining Members

Associate Members
Bank of Greene County
Blass Communications LLC
Claverack Builders
Crawford & Associates Engineering + Land Surveying
Freeman Howard, P.C.
Hudson Valley Fish Farms
Klien’s Kill Fruit Farms
LaBerge Group
Meltz Lumber Co.
PGS Millwork
Pro Printers
Ronnybrook Farm Dairy
STAIR Galleries
Williams Lumber
Microbiz Members
Business Opportunities Management Consulting
Calvin Communications
Catamount Ski Resort
Finance Beyond
Georgia Ray’s Kitchen
Germantown Beer Farm/Hudson Valley Malt
Harvest Spirits
Kenneth Leggett Contracting
National Grid
Patricia A. Hinkein Realty
Peggy Lampman Real Estate
Paradox Consulting Group
Randall Martin AV Services
Sarah Sterling
The Balance Sheet
Valley Mortgage Company
Not-for-Profit Members
Christopher Townley
Columbia County Chamber of Commerce
Columbia County Habitat for Humanity
Columbia-Greene Community College
Columbia Land Conservancy
Crandall Theatre
Hudson Hall
Hawthorne Valley Association Inc.
Shaker Museum and Library
Spencertown Academy Arts Center
The Olana Partnership