Columbia County has a wide variety of sites that provide a good fit for businesses of all sizes and sectors. CEDC maintains a database of available commercial real estate in the County and potential development sites along with vital information on the infrastructure associated with each location.
A notable location in Columbia County for businesses seeking to expand or relocate is the Gerald R. Simons Commerce Park. Wrapped around the Columbia County Airport, the Gerald R. Simons Commerce Park offers sites for sale or lease in a variety of configurations. The Park is fully serviced with municipal infrastructure and public utilities including underground electric and telephone cable. A UPS facility is close by, providing morning deliveries to businesses in the Commerce Park as early as 8 AM. An expedited approval process has been established to facilitate new construction. All land in the Commerce Park falls into one of three types on zoning: Business Commercial, Business Industrial Commercial; or Limited Commercial Business. At this time, there is no availability in the park.
For information on the Gerald R. Simons Commerce Park and other available sites and buildings please contact us at 518 828.4718.
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