July 20, 2018
(July 17, 2018) – Columbia Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) today issued its Request for Proposals (RFP) to perform consulting work to determine the feasibility of constructing a multi—use Rail Trail connecting Hudson and Philmont in Columbia County. CEDC is collaborating with Columbia Land Conservancy (CLC) in the development of this feasibility study. Consulting work will be funded by CEDC with support from a 2017 Hudson River Valley Greenway Trail Grant Program. The project will be monitored by CLC and the Greenway. With the release today, proposals to the RFP will be due Friday, August 10, 2018 at 4:00 PM, with RFP questions or clarifications due by August 3, 2018. CEDC will review and consider all responses submitted and anticipates making an award on August 27, 2018. The RFP is available on CEDC’s website at www.columbiaedc.com.