Fingar-Smith Appointed to IDA Board
Nina Fingar-Smith of Clermont appointed to IDA Board
Nina Fingar-Smith of Clermont appointed to IDA Board
Please take notice that there will be a regular meeting of the Columbia County Capital Resource Corporation and its Finance Committee
Businesses and organizations are invited to participate
Please take notice that there will be a regular meeting of the Columbia County Industrial Development Agency (IDA) and its Finance Committee
Please take notice that there will be a meeting of the Columbia Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors
Please take notice that there will be a meeting of the Columbia Economic Development Corporation Executive Committee
Please take notice that there will be a meeting of the Columbia Economic Development Corporation Loan Committee
Please take notice that there will be a meeting of the Columbia Economic Development Corporation Workforce & Education Committee
Please take notice that there will be a meeting of the Columbia Economic Development Corporation Loan Committee held on August 28, 2018 at 8:00 AM at 4303 Route 9, Hudson, NY 12534